Sarasota's Drunk Driving Fatality Rate Is Far Too High

Drunk driving accidents can kill innocent people, which is why police officers fight so hard to keep these drivers off the road. People who live in the Sarasota area should know that it was recently named the big city in which you are most likely to die of a drunk driving crash in Florida. This city has a death rate of 12.2 drunk driving fatalities per 100,000 residents per year. That is around twice as much as Lakeland, which comes in second on the list.

The tragedy that comes with a drunk driving crash can be considerable. Innocent people can die or suffer life-altering injuries. These incidents are all preventable if people would just find other ways home.

Combating the Problem

There really isn't any excuse for impaired individuals to drive. There are rideshare companies now that offer service in this area, and people can also use public transit options to make it home safely after they have been out drinking.

Police officers will pull people over when they have reasonable suspicion that the person is driving while impaired. This starts a legal process that can result in the person losing their driver's license. When they are allowed to drive again, they might be required to use an ignition interlock that measures the blood alcohol concentration of the driver before the vehicle will start and periodically during the drive.

Signs of Drunk Driving

If you notice any signs of drunk driving, you should try to stay as far away from the vehicle as you can. Contact 911 if you can do so safely. Some of the more common signs of a drunk driver include swerving, not using headlights when necessary, stopping suddenly or driving erratically. Other signs are also possible, so try to report any driver you suspect is impaired so that a police officer can find out what is going on.

When an Accident Occurs

Be sure that you contact police officers to come out to a car crash that you feel involves a drunk driver. While you are on the phone, let the dispatcher know if you need medical care at the scene. Your top priority has to be taking care of yourself, which may mean undergoing a treatment program to address your injuries.

You may opt to seek compensation for the damages that you've suffered as a result of the crash. This is handled in the civil court system and can be done whether there is a criminal case filed or not.
