9 Year Old Rubonia Boy Killed in Tragic Bicycle Accident

Nine-year-old Ginobli "Nobi" Yarn of Rubonia was killed in a tragic bicycle accident last week. A driver going over the posted speed limit struck Nobi causing fatal injuries. Friends and family members remember Nobi as a sweet child who loved to ride his bicycle everywhere. Tragically, he was killed while riding on the street he lived on. Florida's children are at high risk of injuries from bicycle accidents because Florida has more bicycle accidents than most other states. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 60% of bicycle accident victims who require emergency medical treatment are children.

How to Prevent Bicycle Accidents Involving Children:

Young children should always be supervised while riding bicycles. As they get older, children need to be taught bicycle safety rules. Under Florida law, bicyclists under the age of sixteen must wear properly fitting helmets. Also, any bicyclist riding between sunset and sunrise must have a lamp on the front and a lamp and reflector on the back of the bicycle.

Injuries from a Florida Bicycle Accident:

Injuries from a Florida bicycle accident can range from mild (cuts and bruises) to catastrophic (traumatic brain injury) to fatal. "Road rash" refers to abrasions to the body. These abrasions can range from mild and superficial to more severe abrasions that require the removal of embedded debris. Bicycle accident victims frequently suffer from "road rash" on their arms and legs. Fractures and dislocations are also common injuries after bicycle accidents. Head injuries account for about 60% of all bicycle accident fatalities. A head injury from a bicycle accident can lead to a traumatic brain injury.

Reasons for Florida Bicycle Accidents:

A bicycle accident may be the fault of the bicyclist, but most bicycle accidents are caused by negligent drivers. A Florida bicycle accident can be caused by any of the following:

  • A distracted driver
  • A driver fails to yield at an intersection
  • A driver turns directly into the path of a cyclist
  • A driver attempts to pass a cyclist and misjudges the amount of space necessary to pass safely.
  • Other conditions such as debris in the road, poor weather conditions, and poor road conditions can also lead to a Florida bicycle accident.

Sarasota and Bradenton Bicycle Accident Attorney:

Bicycle accidents are far too common in Florida and many times they result in serious injury or death. This is an extremely difficult time for families and unfortunately this is also the time insurance adjusters will try to get a quick settlement. It is imperative to wait and speak with an attorney who can advise families of their rights.

Michael L. Morgan Law Group, P.A., has represented many families of bicycle accident victims. It is crucial to gather evidence at the beginning of the case in order to determine fault. If there are no witnesses who are willing to talk, collecting physical evidence is extremely important and may help to prove who caused the accident. The driver might not give information under a privilege against self-incrimination. If a bicyclist in your family is injured or killed as a result of an accident, you may have claims under the liability policy of the driver that hit them. You may have claims under the PIP death benefit policy or uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage of any vehicles in the driver's house. There may be other claims as well.

If you have lost a loved one in a bicycle accident in Sarasota or Manatee County, Florida, you may be entitled to recover money damages. Insurance policies may apply in your case. If you would like more information, please call a South Florida Bicycle Accident Attorney at the Michael L. Morgan Law Group, P.A., at (941) 218-8220. Please call us to schedule a free consultation.
