Fatal Pedestrian Motor Vehicle Accidents a Problem in Florida

Pedestrians are at risk whenever they head out and walk the streets in Florida.

With the number of motor vehicle accidents in which drivers are distracted, under the influence and operating their vehicles recklessly, the vulnerability of pedestrians can result in severe injuries and fatalities.

To keep track of exactly how risky it is to be on the road and to formulate solutions to the problem, researchers study the statistics of motor vehicle accidents involving pedestrians. A new study from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) indicates that Florida is one of the most dangerous states for pedestrians in the U.S. In 2019, more than 100 fatalities are expected to occur.

In the first half of 2017, there were 326 fatal pedestrian accidents in Florida. In 2018, that rose to 330. Five states accrued almost half the pedestrian fatalities in the U.S. in the first half of the year 2018, and Florida was one.

Overall, there were more than 6,300 fatalities involving pedestrians in 2018. That is the highest total in three decades. There are many factors experts consider important in the statistical rise in Florida and throughout the nation. Although the rise can be attributed to things like population growth, certainly the ongoing distracted driving epidemic is also partially to blame.

For its part, Florida has taken steps to make the roads safer for pedestrians by improving lighting and educating drivers, but the number of deaths is a growing concern.

Losing a loved one in an accident is difficult for any family, but when it is a pedestrian accident it is even worse because it did not need to happen. The personal, financial and emotional impact of a fatal pedestrian accident can cause long-term problems for the family left behind. A legal filing is frequently the only way to recover sufficient compensation. A law firm that has experience in helping those who have lost a loved one in pedestrian-motor vehicle accidents can play an important role in a family's financial and emotional recovery.
