Huge Increase in Traffic Accident Fatalities in 2015 and Florida Is No Exception

Nationwide, traffic accident fatalities increased in 2015 with Florida seeing one of the largest increases. Oregon, Georgia and South Carolina also saw substantial increases in traffic accident fatalities in 2015. Factors such as cheaper gas and a stronger economy likely had an effect on the increased number of fatalities. Even though new vehicles come equipped with more safety features, accident fatalities have still increased significantly. Florida has also seen an increase in population, and this may be another factor in the increased number of traffic accident fatalities. In Lee County Florida, traffic accident fatalities increased by 32% in 2015, one of the highest increases in the state.

Other factors leading to the increased rate of fatalities include:

  • Speeding
  • Drivers operating vehicles under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol
  • Lack of seatbelt use
  • Lack of helmet use by motorcyclists

Increase In Hit & Run Accidents:

  • Florida has also seen an increase in the number of hit and run accidents.
  • Between 2013 and 2014, Florida hit and run accidents increased by 7%.
  • 25% of all Florida accidents are hit and run accidents.
  • Half of all Florida hit and run accident victims in 2014 were pedestrians.

Florida Pedestrian Accidents:

  • Florida has one of the highest rates of hit and run accidents in the country.
  • 40% of all Florida pedestrian accident fatalities are alcohol-related.
  • 43% of Florida pedestrian accident fatalities occur at night on roads that are not well lit.
  • 48% of Florida pedestrian accident fatalities occur at non-intersections.

Florida Bicycle Accidents:

  • Florida has the second-highest rate of bicycle accident fatalities behind California.
  • 84% of Florida bicycle accident fatalities in 2012 were adults over the age of 20.
  • 74% of Florida bicyclist fatally injured in 2012 were adult males.
  • 2/3 of Florida bicyclists who were fatally injured in 2012 were not wearing helmets.

Florida Motorcycle Accidents:

In 2000, Florida Governor Jeb Bush repealed Florida's helmet law. Anyone over the age of 21 can ride without a helmet. Since then, hospital admissions for head injuries have increased 82% and medical costs have nearly doubled. Even when wearing a helmet, motorcyclists are at an increased risk of catastrophic or fatal injuries for a variety of reasons. Often, motorcycles are not seen in drivers' blind spots. Florida accounts for 9% of all motorcyclist deaths nationwide. A study conducted by the American Journal of Public Health concluded that the repeal of Florida's motorcycle helmet law has resulted in an increase in fatalities from motorcycle accidents. Exempting motorcyclists from wearing helmets is counterproductive and increases insurance costs and medical expenses.

Sarasota and Bradenton Accident Attorneys:

If you have sustained injuries in a Sarasota or Bradenton auto, pedestrian, bicycle or motorcycle accident, please contact Michael L. Morgan Law Group, P.A., at 941-444-1028. We will work to obtain the best possible compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, future loss of income and pain and suffering. We work on a contingency fee basis, so there is no cost to you if we don't recover on your behalf. Please call us to schedule a free consultation.
