Motorcycle Accident Attorney In Sarasota and Bradenton Florida

Florida has a very high number of motorcycle accidents. In 2010, there were 7,703 motorcycle accidents in Florida and 6,884 resulted in injuries. In the same year, there were 394 motorcycle accident fatalities. Sometimes, the accident is the fault of the motorcycle rider, but more often, the accident occurs due to the negligence of a motor vehicle driver. According to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycle accidents occur for the following reasons:

  • Failure to provide a safe following distance of 3-4 seconds
  • Failure to see the motorcycle in the driver's blind spot
  • Trying to share a lane with a motorcyclist
  • Passing too closely

Florida Motorcycle Accident Statistics:

  • In Florida in 2008, motorcycle accidents accounted for about 8% of all traffic fatalities. By 2011, Florida motorcycle accidents accounted for about 17% of all traffic accident fatalities. Florida's helmet law was repealed in 2000.
  • Florida has the third-highest rate of fatal motorcycle accidents in the United States, behind California and Texas.
  • 80% of motorcycle accidents result in injury or death to the motorcyclist.
  • In 2008, about 41% of motorcycle accident fatalities involved the use of alcohol and/or drugs.
  • 97% of Florida motorcycle accident fatalities in 2008 were male.
  • Florida has seen an increase of 124% in motorcycle registrations since 2000.

Florida Motorcycle Accident Injuries:

Head Injuries From a Florida Motorcycle Accident:

Due to the lack of a statewide helmet law, head injuries are very common injuries from motorcycle accidents. When a rider is involved in an accident and is wearing a helmet, the risk of a traumatic brain injury decreases by 68%. Head injuries can include concussions which can range from mild to severe. Any head injury requires immediate medical attention.

Neck injuries are also very common after motorcycle accidents. A severe neck injury can lead to paralysis or even death.

"Road Rash": When a rider is thrown off their motorcycles onto the concrete pavement, "road rash" can occur. Road rash can be mild and superficial or more serious when debris becomes embedded in the skin. In severe cases, nerve damage can result. Protective gear such as gloves, kneepads, and leather jackets offer protection from road rash.

Leg Injuries: Legs, knees, and feet are vulnerable to injuries from motorcycle accidents. Fractures commonly occur as well as severe bruising.

Arm Injuries: Often, bikers land on their arms or instinctively hold their arms out brace themselves from the impact. Permanent nerve injuries can result from severe arm injuries.

Injuries to Muscles: Motorcycle accidents can lead to permanent injuries. Protective gear can help. Damage to eardrums is also possible. It's a good idea to wear earplugs.

Sarasota Motorcycle Accident Attorneys:

If you have been injured in a Sarasota motorcycle accident due to someone else's negligence, please contact the Michael L. Morgan Law Group, P.A., at (941) 218-8220 to schedule a free consultation.
