6 Signs That a Contractor Is "Shady"

Signs of a Bad Contractor

Having construction work done on your home is a big financial undertaking. It is imperative to make sure that you have a reputable contractor. There is a chance that your job won't be completed properly or to your specifications if you don't have a contractor who handles things properly.

"Shady" or untrustworthy contractors can cost homeowners a lot of money. By protecting yourself from the start, you are minimizing the risk that you will have to deal with subpar project completion. Below are some signs of a bad contractor that you need to be aware of.

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The Contractor Only Wants To Do Business Over the Phone

To properly bid on a construction project, a contractor needs to meet with you in person to go over the specifications of the job. The exception is if the person doesn't live in your area. In this case, a meeting over a video chat and having to send documents and plans back and forth is reasonable.

The Contractor Isn’t Willing To Share References

All reputable contractors have amassed a list of people who are so satisfied with their work that they are willing to give a good word for them. If you ask for references and are given some, contact a few. Ask pointed and open-ended questions. This can help you get a feel for how the contractor works.

The Contractor Doesn’t Have Valid Licenses or Insurance

To legally do construction contracting jobs, the person needs to have the proper license and insurance. Not only is this required by law, but it also helps protect you in the event of an issue, such as a work-related injury of one of the workers.

The Contractor Tries To Bypass Permits

If the contractor is willing to take the chance of not getting the proper permits, what else will they try to skirt? Permits are important because they provide a record of the work and some measure of oversight with inspections during the project.

The Contractor Doesn’t Use High-Quality Materials

Substandard materials can ruin even the highest quality of work. If you notice that a contractor is using products and materials that don't look like they are suitable for the project, you might be dealing with a shady contractor.

The Contractor Won’t Sign a Contract

A contract protects you and the contractor from problems, should they arise. If the contractor won't sign a contract, walking away is usually best.

How To Deal With a Bad Contractor

There are times when a shady contractor will appear legitimate during the bidding process. If you fall victim to one, you do have legal options that you can explore.

To speak with an experienced construction law attorney, contact us today. Our main office is in Sarasota, and we advise and represent construction professionals and homeowners throughout southwestern Florida.
