Because Florida is warm year-round, people will take advantage of the climate to take part in outdoor activities. A popular one is riding a bicycle.
While bicycle riding is good for fitness, helps save money and care for the environment, there are inherent dangers with the activity.
Drivers are frequently ignorant of the law in terms of ensuring bicyclist safety and will be reckless, distracted and even under the influence when sharing the road. This can lead to accidents and catastrophic injuries. The state has a significant number of bicycle accidents, and the number of riders who are injured and killed is statistically worrisome.
Just recently, a distracted driver ran into more than 20 bicyclists. Two died and four were hurt. This is not unusual.
A study from Florida International University says that there were 139 bicycle deaths in 2014. That was 20 percent of the total across the U.S. More troubling is that Florida has the most bicycle fatalities per capita despite having fewer fatal crashes overall than the much larger California. Per capita, Florida has 59 percent more deaths on bicycles than the second-highest state.
The study also showed that while the number of bicycle accidents came to slightly less than 2 percent of all motor vehicle accidents, they came to 5.6 percent of the traffic deaths. In 46 percent of the accidents, drivers were responsible.
When there is a bicycle accident, those who were involved must remember that they should get medical care and make certain they have not suffered any underlying injuries even if they feel as if they are fine. When there are broken bones, cuts, head injuries, spinal cord injuries and more, it goes without saying that medical help is necessary. Also, it is vital to consider the future with the possibility of medical expenses, lost wages, and long-term damage. Consulting a law firm that understands catastrophic injuries after bicycle accidents can help with a case.