Florida Intersection Safety

Many studies have been conducted regarding intersection safety. Intersections are one of the most dangerous locations on Florida roads. Statistics show that:

  • In 2004, approximately 900 people were killed and 168,000 were injured in red-light running intersection accidents.
  • The IIHS has found that signal violations at intersections were the most likely type of motor-vehicle accidents to cause personal injury.
  • Following are some of the most common causes of intersection accidents:
  • Failing to make a complete stop at a red light before making a red turn
  • Running a stop sign or red light
  • Ignoring yield signs
  • Failing to adhere to traffic signals
  • Failure to acknowledge another driver's right of way

Risks of Intersection Accidents:

Passengers are often at risk of serious injuries from intersection accidents because most intersection collisions involve side impacts which have high rates of serious injuries and fatalities. This is because there is very little protective structure.

Driver Tips for Intersection Safety:

  • Practice defensive driving: Be prepared for other drivers failing to yield the right of way or for pedestrians not obeying traffic signs or signals.
  • Pay attention to road signs and traffic signals.
  • Look both ways when proceeding through green lights.
  • Watch for children in residential areas.
  • When approaching a blind intersection, do so very slowly until your view is no longer blocked.

Would Roundabouts Reduce Intersection Accidents?

The IIHS has reported that they would like to see more roundabouts in the United States. The reason that the introduction of more roundabouts would improve traffic flow and intersection safety. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), about 40% of all automobile accidents in the U.S. in 2008 were intersection related accidents. According to the IIHS, there has been an 89% reduction in accidents with injuries and a 40% reduction in overall accidents where roundabouts have been installed. The Federal Highway Administration has recommended that roundabouts be considered for all new intersections on federally funded highway projects.

The Benefits of Roundabouts

Not only would roundabouts benefit motor vehicle drivers, but they could also be beneficial for pedestrians and bicyclists. Roundabouts could also be beneficial in that they could potentially reduce:

  • Travel Delays
  • Fuel Consumption
  • Air Pollution
  • Construction & Maintenance Costs

According to the website Roundabouts USA, roundabouts could potentially save $1,500 per year in electricity costs and $3,500 per year in maintenance costs when they are installed to replace traffic signals.

Roundabout in Bradenton Beach Florida

A roundabout installed in Bradenton Beach Florida near Bridge Street has been shown to prove the effectiveness of roundabouts. Before the roundabout was installed, there had been one fatality a year at that intersection. In the nine years since the installation of the roundabout, there have been no reported crashes, injuries or fatalities of motorists, pedestrians or bicyclists at that location in Bradenton Beach, Florida.

Automobile Accident Attorneys in Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice, and North Port

Roundabouts may significantly decrease intersection accidents, but they will not completely eliminate them. If you have been injured in an intersection accident in Sarasota or Bradenton, contact the personal injury attorneys at the Michael L. Morgan Law Group, P.A., at (941) 218-8220. We work on a contingency fee basis, so there is no cost to you unless we recover on your behalf. Call to schedule a free consultation.
