Huge Increase In Florida Traffic Accidents This Year!

Traffic accident fatalities in Florida have increased by 21% this year. Traffic accident fatalities in Lee County are up by over 40% this year! Most of the accidents have been caused by driver negligence. Some of the accidents were caused by speeding while others were caused by inattention which led to rear-end collisions. Other fatal accidents were caused when drivers made lane changes without looking in their side mirrors first.

Distracted Driving Accidents:

The use of cell phones while driving has caused an increase in distracted driving accidents. A distracted driving accident often has the same characteristics as a drunk driving accident. Texting while driving takes a driver's eyes off the road for an average of 46 seconds which increases the risk of an accident by 23%. In the last five years, pedestrian fatalities caused by distracted drivers have increased by 50% and cyclist fatalities due to distracted drivers have increased by 30%.

Another reason for the increase in Florida traffic accidents in 2015 has to do with the strengthening economy. Gas prices are lower and there are more drivers on the road. The state has seen a 29% increase in accidents since last year which is more than double the national average. The increase nationally has been about 14%. Other reasons include lack of seatbelt use, speeding, and driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.

What Drivers Can Do To Prevent Accidents:

New vehicle technology has definitely made road travel safer. But due to the sheer number of vehicles on the road, accidents will continue to be a problem. Following are steps drivers can take to decrease their risk of being involved in an accident:

  • Plan your route ahead of time
  • Drive on less-traveled roads
  • Avoid rush hour traffic if possible
  • Get plenty of sleep before driving

Even though Americans are driving more, the percentage increase in vehicle mileage is far less than the percentage increase in traffic accident fatalities. Other factors may be playing a part n the increase in traffic accident fatalities. Many states have raised their speed limits and drivers everywhere are constantly distracted by cell phones and text messages.

Just recently in Florida, 13 people lost their lives within just one week. The fatalities included a 1-year-old girl (who was traveling with her family from Georgia to celebrate her first birthday at Disney World) and a 5-year-old boy. All of these fatal accidents are under investigation and all of these accidents could have been avoided.

Sarasota and Bradenton Auto Accident Attorneys:

If you have been involved in a Sarasota or Bradenton motor vehicle accident due to the negligence of another driver, please contact the Michael L. Morgan Law Group, P.A., at (941) 218-8220. We work on a contingency fee basis, so there is never a fee until we recover compensation on your behalf. Please call us to schedule a free consultation.
