Catastrophic Florida Motorcycle Accidents

October 19, 2015 by

A Florida motorcycle accident can cause catastrophic or fatal injuries. A motorcyclist has very little protection when involved in an accident. According to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) about 75% of all motorcycle accidents involve another vehicle. No two motorcycle accidents are identical, but the most common cause of a motorcycle accident is an automobile turning directly into the path of the motorcyclist. Most motorcycle accidents are not the fault of the cyclist, but are the result of negligence on the part of a motor vehicle driver.

Motorcycle accidents often result in catastrophic of fatal injuries because:

  • Riders lack the protection that automobiles offer
  • High risk of ejection, cyclists often sustain severe injuries after being ejected from their bikes.
  • Gloves, jackets and boots can prevent some abrasions, but they do not prevent more serious injuries.
  • Florida’s lack of a helmet law

Florida Motorcycle Laws:

Riders over the age of 21 are not required to wear helmets. A helmet can reduce the risk of a fatal head injury by 40%. After Florida repealed the helmet law, motorcycle accident fatalities increased by 81%.

Motorcycle Accident Statistics:

According to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA):
  • 11% of all roadway accidents in the U.S. involve motorcycles.
  • Motorcycles are 35% more likely to experience a fatal accident than automobile drivers.
  • The leading cause of death for a person involved in a motorcycle accident is head injury.
  • A motorcyclist who is not wearing a helmet is 40% more likely to die of a head injury than someone wearing a helmet.
  • In 2005, the motorcycle fatality rate was 73 per 100,000 registered motorcycles; for automobiles, the rate was 14 per 100,000 registrations.
A 2009 Institute for Highway Safety’s Highway Loss Data Institute report found that:
  • More than ½ of motorcycle accident fatalities involved another vehicle
  • 655,000 motorcycles were purchased, a decrease from 1.1 million in 2008
  • Slightly less than half of all motorcycle driver fatalities involved no other vehicle

Ways to Prevent Florida Motorcycle Accidents:

  • Helmets: Wearing a helmet that has been approved by the Federal Department of Transportation is the single best way to prevent a traumatic brain injury from a Florida motorcycle accident. If the helmet doesn’t meet the requirements of the state and federal government, there is still an increased risk of a traumatic brain injury.
  • Defensive Driving: This will help to prepare you in the event that you encounter a negligent driver.
  • Motorcycle Maintenance: Always make sure that your brakes and tires are in good working condition.
  • Make Other Drivers Aware of Your Presence: If drivers are in a motorcyclist’s blind spot, they might not be seen. Motorcyclists should use their horns to alert drivers of their presence.
  • Watch for Road Hazards: Keep an eye out for road hazards such as debris, rocks or potholes. These types of road hazards can cause you to lose control of the motorcycle.

Injuries From Florida Motorcycle Accidents:

  • Head injuries are one of the most common types of injuries a person can sustain from a Florida motorcycle accident. If the rider is not wearing a helmet, the injuries tend to be much more severe.
  • Traumatic brain injuries can result from Florida motorcycle accidents. The severity of a traumatic brain injury can range from a mild concussion to a severe life-altering injury. The more severe traumatic brain injuries can cost tens of thousands of dollars or more to treat.

If you have been injured in a Sarasota motorcycle accident due to someone else’s negligence, please contact the Sarasota motorcycle accident attorneys at the Michael L. Morgan Law Group, P.A., at (941) 953-4555 to schedule a free consultation.

Categories: Accidents

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