Car Accidents

The Michael L Morgan Law Group law firm handles all types of car accident, motorcycle accident and personal injury cases in Florida. Our main office is located in downtown Sarasota, at 2364 Fruitville Road, between Lime Ave. and Shade Ave. We accept many cases on a contingency fee basis, which means there is no fee unless we recover money for you.

If you have been injured in an automobile accident, you may have legal rights to recover damages for the injuries you have sustained and other costs associated with the accident. When you are injured as the result of someone else’s carelessness, the law has rules that protect you and allow you to recover damages for your injuries and losses. This includes medical bills, automobile repairs, lost wages from missed work days and many other types of damages that can be recovered for you.

What Should I Do if I Have Been Injured in an Automobile Accident?

Do not speak to the insurance company adjuster or give any statement before you have had the chance to speak to an experienced personal injury attorney or have read our FREE BOOK explaining the 5 most common mistakes people make after being injured in a car accident. Insurance companies will often ask you to give them a recorded statement. If you haven’t had the chance to fully evaluate your damages, any statements you make can hurt your injury case.

Insurance companies are looking to “close the deal” before you get legal advice. If the insurance company can’t dispose of your case cheap and fast, they will try to obtain as much information from you after your accident before you’ve had a chance to speak to an accident lawyer.

Our FREE BOOK will give you immediate answers and advice that the insurance companies don’t want you to have. At Michael L Morgan Law Group we believe that you deserve to know the tricks insurance adjusters use to minimize or settle your case for less than what you are entitled to. Writing the FREE BOOK has made us unpopular with insurance companies, and even some lawyers for giving away the free secrets, but we would rather you have the information in order to level the playing field and deal with the insurance companies more effectively

Bradenton, Sarasota and Manatee County Automobile Accident Attorneys

Our firm is dedicated to recovering damages for persons seriously injured in car accidents. We have the experience and the proven results that satisfy our Clients, and also create relationships that last even after the case is over. In fact, many of our new Clients are referrals by former Clients.

If you, or someone you know have been hurt through someone else’s negligence, protect your rights by speaking to an attorney at Michael L Morgan Law Group there is no obligation or charge for speaking to us. Learn what your rights are and what type of case you have by calling and setting up a free consultation today.

Have You Or A Loved One Been Injured?

Click below for a free consultation to discuss your case and legal rights.

Free Consultation